Mar, 2020
HJB is in full operation and the impact to your project during the Covid-19 pandemic will be minimized. We believe the pandemic of COVID-19 shall not slow down the development of your new drug.
At HJB, we believe the pandemic of COVID-19 shall not slow down the development of your new drug
Our facility is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province where there has been NO new local infection cases for the past weeks. All our site operations are normal.
Our supply chain is in reasonably good shape. We have been actively working with 3rd party sub-contractors and suppliers to minimize external uncertainty. At this moment, we do not expect material impact on lab supplies issues. Our proposed timeline, material generation or IND-enabling package, will not be affected.
We do suggest to our partners postpone near term on-site visit. Our China staff are not participating big conferences or meetings at this time. In the meantime, please be assured business discussion will go on as normal through TC, video conference and secured file-sharing system. And for us, local meeting can always be arranged.
The well-being of our employees is very important to us as well as your projects.
Up to now, no HJB employee or their family are infected by this virus.
In addition to strictly following government’s and CDC’s precautions which have been proved quite effective in controlling the spread of Covid-19 in China, HJB also carefully made and carried out its own set of SOPs and precautionary measures to avoid public transportation of the virus, including change seat deployment in our building to help keep social distancing, routinely executing strict sterilization procedure, and filtering the health status of all employees, contractors and visitors arriving and entering our building.
Since March China has generally got the spread of Covid-19 in control and the infection number is getting better every day. We trust with more and more strict measures being carried out in most countries, the situation will get better over the world.
We wish all the best for you and your loved ones, and looking forward to talk about your special projects. Let our industry seasoned experts to help your new drug projects keep moving forward during this hard time without compromising speed and quality.